Your body has an inborn intelligence which coordinates, repairs, renews and heals every single cell. Your brain and nervous system are the main distribution centers and coordinators of this intelligence. We all experience stress, in the physical, chemical and emotional realms, and our bodies can become overwhelmed by these stresses. When this occurs, that stress is stored as tension in the body, distorting it's structures and altering the function of the nervous system. When your body is distorted and altered in this way it is less able to adapt to stress. As more and more tension builds in the body, you will likely begin to express symptoms and disease processes.
Through chiropractic adjustments, gentle and effective techniques are used to bring balance and ease back to the body, accessing that stored tension (potential energy) allowing it to be utilized… freed up for use in your life! You will become better able to adapt to life's stressors and to do more of what you love. Everyone can benefit from a fully functioning nervous system and greater expression of innate intelligence. You can take an active role in your health and well-being by having yourself and your loved ones checked for imbalances regularly!